Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Putting a Pet to Sleep...

by: Briana Mauri (STUDENT OF THE WEEK) 4th period

Putting a pet to sleep is always a hard thing to do. I've gone through it twice and will be doing it again soon. When I was 8, my first dog was really sick so my parents decided to put him to sleep . I didn't know until 3 days later. I was so sad when I found out but after some time passed, I realized that it was the best thing for my dog . He was suffering all the time and by putting him to sleep, we were taking away his pain . Even though this was painful for my family and I, we couldn't be selfish and keep him alive for our benefit.

Then a year later my other dog went through the same thing and we put her to sleep . This second time around , I understood more. I realized that with time, you accept the situation and feel better knowing that your pet is no longer suffering and that you did the right thing. 

Our pets don't have a voice . We have to do what is best for them and putting them to sleep is a selfless act. It is sad for us to have to experience this but it is even sadder to let them live with pain or suffering. 

Can anyone relate to this?

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