Sunday, August 31, 2014

Making sure you are all signed up...

Dear Parents and Students: 

If you are receiving blog updates via email PLEASE shoot me a quick email at to confirm. 

Some people are reporting they are notified when I post to the blog while others report they signed up but are not receiving any notice when I post. 

...I hope to hear from you all. 

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Let's try this again...

Hello everyone! I hope you are all enjoying your Labor Day weekend! I have been able to catch up and rest for a wonderful 4 day week starting on Tuesday.

Last week was still a transitional week since we had many students getting schedule changes and still moving around a little. I announced the STUDENT{s} OF THE WEEK last week but I was not able to speak to my 3 students and give them the proper instructions.

Sooooo...LET'S TRY THIS AGAIN! I will let them stay as STUDENTS OF THE WEEK one more week so they fulfill their duties completely.

As STUDENT OF THE WEEK, you are recognized in class and are able to assist me throughout the week with lesson deliveries, projects and/or planning. The Student of the Week also gets to be an honorary CO AUTHOR on this blog. I give them the freedom to write an a blog post on a topic of interest to them. I am so eager to read what they have prepared...I know it will be GREAT!!'s to an amazing and short week!

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Sunday, August 24, 2014

...and the STUDENTS OF THE WEEK are...

::drum roll::

My dear hubby picked the name of this week's students since I am still getting to know you guys! He looked at the list and picked the students randomly. 

::drum roll:

2nd period: AJ

4th period: Briana 

6th: Michael L. 

CONGRATS to all the students, see me for instructions on how to start your co author post for the blog! YAY!!! 

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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Quick message for all Parents...

Parents: Please make sure to add yourselves to your child's class at my SCHOOL WEBPAGE. I will not be using this webpage much, just for sending out HW notifications and deadlines.

I would really prefer you sign up under "follow by email" on the top left of this post. This blog is where I will be posting ALL deadlines, notifications. This is also where your child will be posting guest STUDENT OF THE WEEK blog posts on topics affecting teens.

I am soooooo excited to get this year started! Please sign up so you don't miss a beat!

Finally, as I start to receive the last page of the syllabus, I will send you all an email verifying the email listed on the page. I love to send emails to parents whether it's to share the good or the not so good. Communication is KEY!!

Please send me an email if you have any questions, I usually respond immediately or at the end of the day.

I look forward to meeting you all, whether in person or via email.

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Hi Guys! SO FAR SO GOOD! The school week is passing us by and next thing you know it's FRIDAY!

It has been such a pleasure meeting you guys. I know we haven't had much time together but tomorrow we will have our usual 90 minutes.

Remember to follow the blog by putting your email in the  Follow this page by email 
space on the left.

Tomorrow we will get to know each other by sharing our likes, dislikes, hobbies among other things. We will also decorate our file folders and file the syllabus contact papers.'s to an amazing school year!

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